أسئلة وأجوبة السادس الإعدادي 2022
أسئلة وأجوبة السادس الإعدادي 2022

Q1-A) Reading Comprehension
1. A young soldier in a big camp.
2. He worked very hard.
3. False
4. Because it was Saturday (holiday)
5. He said to them, you can go into the town this afternoon, but first I’m going to inspect you.
الأجوبة قد تتنوع .6
Q1-B) Textbook Passages
1. It means working when you want to work and for the company you want to work for.
2. Property investments
3. True
4. Because he’d like a job which involved travelling
5. It bit Zaid’s arm. 6. Diabetes
Q2-A) Do as required
1. Used to wear
2. It should be faster than the other one.
3. A noise made him look outside.
4. A lawyer is someone who gives advice to people about the law. 5. If only he hadn’t fallen over during the race.
6. Had had
7. Took it up 8. I decided I was going to learn Arabic.
9. I asked Layla if she would be able to come to my party.
10.My wallet was stolen last week.
11.Never miss breakfast
12. Was not looking
Q2-B) Choose the correct answer
1. Begins
2. Where
3. Needn’t
4. Ever 5. For
6. Many

Q3-A) Vocabulary
1. Painkillers
2. Down payment
4. Environment
5. Account
Q3-B) Choose the correct answer
1. Operates
2. Deposited
3. Branches
4. Board
5. Civilian
6. Maintain
Q3-C) Spelling
1. Unfair
2. Annual
3. Exciting/excited
4. Knee/ankle ()
5. Hurt 6. Bought
Q4) Literature Focus
1. He hopped from one perch to another and tapped against the bars.
2. True
3. It stresses that war destroys everything and leads to nothing but death and destruction.
4. To tell his family what happened to his friend that he died in the battle.
5. In The Iraqi writer’s magazine in 1962.
6. A loaf of hot bread
Q5) Writing
إنشاء عن فوائد الدراسة في بريطانيا (الوحدة الثالثة) .A
إنشاء عن عطلة سعيدة (الوحدة الخامسة) .B
الفصل الأول
الفصل الأول
الفصل الأول
الفصل الأول
الفصل الثاني
الفصل الثاني
الفصل الثاني
السادس الإعدادي
الفصل الأول/ الإنشاءات
الفصل الأول/ الإنشاءات
الفصل الأول/ الإنشاءات
الفصل الأول/ الإنشاءات
الفصل الثاني/ الإنشاءات
الفصل الثاني/ الإنشاءات
الفصل الثاني/ الإنشاءات
الفصل الثاني/ الإنشاءات
الفصل الثاني/ الإنشاءات
السادس الإعدادي
أجوبة أسئلة التلفزيون التربوي