أسئلة اللغة الإنكليزية للصف الثالث المتوسط الدور الأول 2020-2021 داخل العراق

أسئلة اللغة الإنكليزية للصف الثالث المتوسط الدور الأول 2020-2021 داخل العراق

أسئلة اللغة الإنكليزية للصف الثالث المتوسط الدور الأول 2020-2021 داخل العراق

Republic of Iraq-Ministry of Education July 2021
Examination in English for Intermediate Schools Time: 3 Hours
Note: Answer all the questions First Term
Reading Comprehension (25 Marks)
Q1) Read this text carefully.
Trevor Baylis was born in London in 1937. When he grew up, he became a champion swimmer in Berlin. Then he went to college to study engineering. Later, he had his own company that built swimming pools. He also worked on TV as a special kind of swimmer. One day in 1991, Trevor was watching a TV programme about communication problems in South Africa. Baylis thought he had to do something to help. He worked for three years to build a wind-up radio that doesn’t need power, but no one believed his idea. In 1994, Baylis had his big chance on TV. He turned the handle for (2) minutes and the radio worked for (15) minutes.

أسئلة اللغة الإنكليزية للصف الثالث المتوسط الدور الأول 2020-2021 داخل العراق

A) Now answer (Five) of the following questions: (10 M.)
1. Where was Trevor born?
2. What was his subject in college?
3. What was his hobby?
4. What did Baylis invent?
5. When did Baylis’s invention succeed?
6. How did the radio work?
B) Describe whether the following sentences are (True) or (False): (Choose 5 only) (5 M.)
1. Trevor became a champion swimmer in Berlin, when he grew up.
2. Trevor was watching a TV programme about animals.
3. Baylis went to college to study engineering.
4. His invention didn’t succeed.
5. No one believed his idea.
6. He worked three years to build a wind-up radio that doesn’t need power.

أسئلة اللغة الإنكليزية للصف الثالث المتوسط الدور الأول 2020-2021 داخل العراق

C) Answer or complete (Five) of the following questions using information from your textbook. (10 M.)
1. What does Lucy play in a TV comedy? (Answer)
2. What are the safety features in the panther 3.0D? (Answer)
3. Ibn Al Haitham’s famous book was called ……….….. (Complete)
4. What are the disadvantages of falconry sport? (Answer)
5. Marshes Arab can be found in ………………. (Complete)
6. Sudan produces cotton, …………. and ………… (Complete)
Q2) Grammar and Functions (20 Marks)
A) Do as required: (Choose 5 only) (10 M.)
1. I (see) him an hour ago. (Correct the verb)
2. (15:40) (Tell the time)
3. If people grow a lot taller, we (need) bigger houses. (Correct the verb)
4. She can’t sing. She’s not …………. (Rewrite the sentence in a more polite way)
5. Define a painter. (Use: paints rooms)
6. Would you like to go to the mall? (Accept suggestion)
7. carefully, homework, his, after supper, does, Manaf (Put in order to make a sentence)

أسئلة اللغة الإنكليزية للصف الثالث المتوسط الدور الأول 2020-2021 داخل العراق

B) Choose the correct choice. (Choose 5 only) (10 M.)
1. Traditional boats ………… as transport. (a. used b. are used c. is used)
2. I like spiders. (a. So do I. b. So am I. c. Neither do I.)
3. Iraq is ………… than it used to be. (a. as green as b. green c. greener)
4. The cake is a little dry. I’m sorry. Don’t ………… it. (a. mention b. sorry c. pardon)
5. The mall ………… a swimming pool. (a. having b. doesn’t have c. have)
6. Jasim broke his leg and ………… couldn’t walk. (a. he b. him c. his)

Q3) Vocabulary and Punctuation: (20 Marks)

A) Choose the words from the list below that match the following definitions. (5 only) (5 M.)
(quiz show, sports, ride, adverts, gum, adults)
1. sit and travel on a horse
2. words and pictures to help sell things
3. people who are not children
4. a question and answer programme
5. activities like running, jumping, and swimming
6. a kind or glue

أسئلة اللغة الإنكليزية للصف الثالث المتوسط الدور الأول 2020-2021 داخل العراق

B) Match the words in List (A ) with suitable words or phrases in List (B ): (5 M.)
List A: 1- score 2- write 3- sweet 4- kick 5- wild
List B: a- shop b- a ball c- animal d- goal e- a letter
C) Fill in the blanks with the most suitable words from the list below: ( Choose 5 only ) (5 M.)
(bite, free, complain, answers, wise, topic)
1. The questions ask what we would do in five situations. They give their possible ………………
2. The title tells us the questionnaire’s ………………
3. Some people ……………… that they don’t have enough money.
4. The ……………… man said, you let a lesson for every son and hope for every father.
5. If you put your foot on a snake, it will ……………… you.
6. Are you ……………… on Thursday?
D) Punctuation
Re-write the sentences below using correct capital letters and punctuation marks. (5M.)
would you touch a shellfish if you saw one underwater

Q4) A) Storytime and Spelling: (20 Marks)

Story Time
Do as required. (Choose 5 only) (10 M.)
1. Who is the professor?
2. Why had Kareem been saving up for months?
3. Describe Kareem’s character.
4. Which of dangers faced by the deer you most afraid?
5. How did the deer face the negative thoughts and dangers?
6. How did the alumni reach the professor’s house?
B) Spelling
Write the missing words: (Choose 5 only) (10 M.)
1. thin, thinnest; useful, ………………
2. want, wanted; laugh, ………………
3. I, me; we, ………………
4. sad X happy; dangerous, ………………
5. Iraq, Iraqi; Egypt, ………………
6. do, doing; go, ………………
Q5) Written Component:
Choose either A or B
A) Write an e-mail to a relative about your best friend, describing his / her appearance and character.
Make use of the following words:
creative, helpful, short black hair, friendly, kind, good, fun, sporty, his/ her favourite lessons, hobbies.
B) Write about a country. Make use of these words:
the name or the country, its capital, site, population, crops, animals, exports, imports

أسئلة اللغة الإنكليزية للصف الثالث المتوسط الدور الأول 2020-2021 داخل العراق

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